

Welcome to my site !

My name is Noah Balencourt, I am a French engineering student at École Centrale de Lyon in France. When I entered this school, I discovered computer science, specifically cybersecurity which I am now passionate about.

Today, I know that I want to professionnalize myself in cybersecurity, so I wrote this site in order to display my personnal work on these topics. I have especially worked on Root-Me since I began learning cybersecurity, meeting the challenges offered by the website. However, I have also started to learn networks fundamentals in preparation for gaining experience in security auditing, potentially during an internship. I will write on this subject later on.

About me

I grew up in a small town near Paris with my parents, my little brother and my two little sisters. I went to a military high school named Lycée militaire de Saint-Cyr, next to Versailles, where I built strong friendships and learnt values such as camaraderie and respect. After high school, I went to Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris, where I spent 2 years of intensive preparatory course for national competitive exams to highly selective engineering Grandes Écoles. There, I followed the cursus MPSI (Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Sciences) in first year and MP* (Mathematics and Physics) in second year. After the exams, I joined the École Centrale de Lyon because of its long period of common courses, which allowed me to find the subject that interests me the most. Thanks to this cursus, I am now sure that I want to work in the field of cybersecurity.

I also like video games, music and cinema but my passion is basket-ball, which I have been practicing since I was 10 years old. Basket-ball taught me team spirit and to surpass myself.

I hope this site will give you a clear vision of who I am and how I work.